About Me
I’m Cameron Cooper. I’m a technology enthusiast with a particular interest in vintage computers. Feel free to email me at c@meron.cc if you’re interested in anything I’ve posted here. »
I’m Cameron Cooper. I’m a technology enthusiast with a particular interest in vintage computers. Feel free to email me at c@meron.cc if you’re interested in anything I’ve posted here. »
This page is dedicated to my Apple 1. I built my Apple 1 starting with a bare PCB from Mike Willegal. My goal was to obtain as much historical accuracy as possible. I decided to aim towards an early Apple 1 shown in an advertisement in Interface Age magazine: Upon close inspection I noticed a few unusual things about this Apple 1. First, an unusual white 2513 is used. I have not seen another Apple 1 with this type of package. »
Recently I restored an Apple II which was #133 from the first batch of motherboards produced. I believe that this board was sold as a motherboard without the case and remained that way until it came into my possession. I put this motherboard into a mint Apple II case, with an early keyboard with the dome power light and an early A2M001 power supply serial number #521. I have also installed integer roms and the programmer’s aid on the motherboard (thanks Geoff! »
The most distinct chip on an original Apple 1 is definitely the MOS 6502. This chip originally came in a white ceramic package, and that is what shipped with the original Apple 1 computers. When I decided to build my replica using original parts, I set out to find this chip. As it turns out, this is a relatively sought after chip. They rarely come up for sale, and when they do they can claim hundreds of dollars. »
Today I received a bunch of Interface Age magazines in the mail. This magazine carried the very first Apple 1 advertisement in July of 1976 as well as an article about the new company. In September the magazine printed a 6502 Disassembler by Woz and Allen Baum, and in October an article by Steve Jobs about connecting the SWTPC PR-40. »