A Common Apple 1 Emulation Bug

Recently I was bringing up an Apple 1 and I did the first thing I always do to do an initial checkout, which is run the Test Program from the Apple-1 Operation Manual. This is a very simple program that runs a loop that counts from 0x00 to 0xFF and prints each byte as an ASCII character. Here is the program: 0000 LDA #0 0002 TAX 0003 JSR ECHO 0006 INX 0007 TXA 0008 JMP $0002 »

Apple 1 Emulator

Tonight I’ve posted the first release of my version of the pom1 Apple 1 emulator. This emulator needed a number of modifications in order to turn it into an applet, but it is now in working form. Next steps are to add reset and clear functions, then try to get BASIC running. »